vhatchもくろむThey hatched an interesting idea.
ajsalient目立つ  It was the carrot sticks that were made more salient.
ajmischievousいたずら好きなShe has received some suggestions from her usually sincere but occasionally mischievous friends.
best offうまくいくArrange the food to make the students best off.
ajintrusive 立ち入りすぎているThat option seems a bit intrusive.
ajprincipled道理に基づいているArranging the food at random could be considered fair-minded and principled.
ajhonorable高潔なThe option might seem to be an honorable attemp to avoid intrusion.
nfigment虚構She is a figment of our immagination.
nballot投票用紙You design the ballot voters use to choose candidates.
ajaesthetic審美的なAesthetic constraints will be imposed.
a rule of thumb経験則A good rule of thumb is to assume that everything matters.
nurinal小便器The authorities etched the image of a black housefly into each urinal.
vendear愛するMany people find it endearing.
vrevile罵るWhy combine two reviled and contradictory concepts?
vreinforce補強するPeople make plenty of mistakes, which reinforces the view well stated by Beatles.
ajunsavory好ましくないCompanies can use the concepts to increase sales in unsavory way.
ajpremature早すぎるObesity leads to premature death.
ninertia惰性The status quo bias is a fancy name for inertia.
adpervasively普及している方法でPeople’s choices are pervasively influenced by the design.
ajcompetent能力のあるThey worry that governments cannot be trusted to be competent or benign.
aj benign 親切なThey worry that governments cannot be trusted to be competent or benign.
ncoercion強圧The misconception is that paternalism always involves coercion.
ajinept不適当なThe risks of inept or even corrupt designs are reduced.
nplight苦境If you live elsewhere, please take pity on our plight.
vvindicate立証するWe are pleased to report that, far more than we could have anticipated, that belief has been vindicated.
adteasinglyからかうようにHe teasingly asked whether the administrators had remembered to log on and adjust their benefits package.
nhauntよく行くところWhen he showed this example to her at their usual lunch haunt, she grabbed her chopstick to check.
ajunwieldy扱いにくいThe third of the original three heuristic bears an unwieldy name: representativeness.
ndecile十分位In which decile do you expect to fall in the distribution of grades in this class?
vnail down正しく認識するThe precise number is hard to nail down.
vquip皮肉を言うSecond marriage, he once quipped, “is the triumph of hope over experience.”
nimmunity免疫When they overestimate their personal immunity to harm, people may fail to take sensible preventive steps.
voffset相殺するThis implies that the prospect of wining 200 just offsets the prospect of losing 100.
vdubあだ名をつけるHe have dubbed this behavior status quo bias, and it has been demonstrated in numerous situations.
ajgruelingへとへとに疲れさせるSuppose that you are suffering from serious heart disease and your doctor proposes a grueling operation.
nordeal試練You are understandably curious about the odds of surviving this ordeal.
ajimbecile大馬鹿なWas he a genius or imbecile?
vclamor騒ぎ立てるHe clamored to go inside and buy something.
ajscenic眺望の良いOne of the most scenic urban thoroughfares in the world is Chicago’s Lake Shore Drive, which hugs the lake Michigan coastline that is the city’s eastern boundary.
n thoroughfare 主要道路One of the most scenic urban thoroughfares in the world is Chicago’s Lake Shore Drive, which hugs the lake Michigan coastline that is the city’s eastern boundary.
vheed心にとめるFor a long time, many drivers failed to take heed of the reduced speed limit and wiped out.
ajtactile触知できるThe stripes do not provide much if any tactile information but rather just send a visual signal to drivers.
napex頂点Touch the brake before the apex of the curve.
vnibbleかじるHe was hosting dinner for some guests and put out a large bowl of cashew nuts to nibble on with drink.
nelaboration推敲Human beings have been aware of the concept of temptation at least since the time of Adam and Eve, but for purpose of understanding the value of nudges, that concept needs elaboration.
narousal覚醒For us the crucial fact about temptation is that people’s state of arousal varies over time.
vemanate(光、音、香り)を発するWhen she is very hungry and appetizing aromas are emanating from the kitchen, we can say she is in a hot state.
ajskimpyけちけちしたThe salad she planned to eat for dinner now seems skimpy.
ajmyopic近視眼的なSelf-control problems can be semiautonomous selves: a farsighted “Planner” and a myopic “Doer”.
vfortify強くするWe ask friends to fortify our efforts to quit smoking.
rein in抑制するDoers are often difficult to rein in, and they can foil the best efforts of Planners.
vfoil計画等をくじくDoers are often difficult to rein in, and they can foil the best efforts of Planners.
ajgroggy手に負えないPlanners have a number of available strategies to control recalcitrant Doers.
vprocrastinateぐずぐずするHe needed to stop procrastinating and get his thesis done.
ndrudgery単調な仕事He always put off the drudgery of writing up the thesis
ajpallid青白い、淡々としたThe scheme worked because the pain of having him cash the check and have a party at her expense was more salient than the rather abstract and pallid forgone contribution to her retirement savings plan.
vforgoなしで済ませる、見合わせるThe scheme worked because the pain of having him cash the check and have a party at her expense was more salient than the rather abstract and pallid forgone contribution to her retirement savings plan.
adoutright徹底的にSome items such as heroin are banned outright.
vbuckle締める、留めるThere are laws requiring people to buckle their seatbelts, refrain from texting while driving.
at stake問題となってRequirements and bans of this kind are pure rather than libertarian paternalism, though third-party interests are often also at stake.
vinflict課す、負わせるInterest in taxes based on sugar content can be explained in similar terms; they might combat internalities, understood as the harms that we inflict on our future selves.
vredeem償還するFunds cannot be withdrawn until a year later, when the total amount is redeemed.
vcaterまかなうMarkets provide strong incentive for firms to cater to the demands of consumers.
nmishap軽い事故This provided him with a form of mental insurance against minor financial mishap
nparlance(修飾語を伴って)用語The money that has recently been won is called house money because in gambling parlance the casino is referred to as the house. 
nwindfall意外な授かり物People are far more likely to splurge impulsively on a big luxury purchase when they receive an unexpected windfall than they are with savings that they have accumulated over time.
vsplurge散財するPeople are far more likely to splurge impulsively on a big luxury purchase when they receive an unexpected windfall than they are with savings that they have accumulated over time.
nledger元帳In many cases, these are literally different accounts, as opposed to entries in a mental ledger.
※as oppose to 対照的に、entry 記入
nsanctity神聖The sanctity of these accounts can lead to seemingly bizarre behavior.
ajspiffy素晴らしい、カッコいいWe hear that a spiffy electric bike was the latest purchase from that account.
nhemlineドレスなどの裾Econ’s hemlines do not go up and down except for practical reasons.
nprophecy予言Telling people that a new norm is emerging can create a self-fulfilling prophecy.
nwrath激怒If you care about what other people think about you, you might go along with the crowd to avoid their wrath or curry their favor.
curry one’s favor機嫌を取るIf you care about what other people think about you, you might go along with the crowd to avoid their wrath or curry their favor.
nfad気まぐれな熱狂Broadcasters mimic one another, producing otherwise inexplicable fads in programming.
vdefy無視するIf you are a Human, and you really participated in the experiment, you might well follow those who preceded you and say what they said, thus defying the evidence of your own senses.
vpoll投票するWhen polled individually, subjects did not agree with one another, and their answers varied significantly from one trial to another.
ajintriguing面白いIt shows intriguing differences across nations.
vblunder (v)つまづくSometimes people will go along with the group even when they think, or know, that everyone else has blundered.
nstab企てThis is not surprising; because the light did not move, any judgement about distance was a stab in the literal dark.
ventrench立場を固めるAn arbitrary tradition can become entrenched over time.
alrobustたくましいWe can see why many traditions are robust over decades or centuries, even if they really are arbitrary, in the sense that they make no sense and serve no purpose.
vperpetuate不朽にするOnce a practice has become established, it can be perpetuated, even if there is no reason for it.
ajsubversive破壊するPeople were asked, ” Which one of the following do you feel is the most important problem facing our country today?” Five alternatives were offered: economic recession, educational facilities, subversive activities, mental health, and crime and corruption.
vheadquarter本部を設けるCompanies should be taxed in the countries where they are headquartered rather than ln the countries where their revenues are generated.
nrevenue収入Companies should be taxed in the countries where they are headquartered rather than ln the countries where their revenues are generated.
vbeware気をつけるBeware of that temptation.
vfizzleたち消えるMost of today’s political leaders are hard to distinguish from dozens or even hundreds of others whose candidacies badly fizzled.
ncandidacy立候補Most of today’s political leaders are hard to distinguish from dozens or even hundreds of others whose candidacies badly fizzled.
ajhilarious陽気なFor a vivid and somewhat hilarious example of how social influences can affect beliefs even if no one plans anything, consider the Seattle Windshield Pitting Epidemic.
nwindshield車のフロントガラスFor a vivid and somewhat hilarious example of how social influences can affect beliefs even if no one plans anything, consider the Seattle Windshield Pitting Epidemic.
adduly型通りに、時間通りに、正式にThe newspaper duly reported the risks.
vtwitchぴくぴく動く、痙攣するVideos of adolescent girls with all sorts of symptoms-twitching, fainting, falling unconscious appeared on social media platforms.
valleviate緩和するThis finding did not alleviate public concerns.
n uptake 摂取HPV vaccine uptake among eligible girls fell to 14 percent for the first dose.
vflock群がるWhen voters flock to one candidates or another, they are each making what they believe to be an independent judgment on the successful candidate’s behalf.
ajstunningly驚くほどにConsider Texas’s now classic and stunningly successful effort to reduce littering on its highways.
nlitteringポイ捨てConsider Texas’s now classic and stunningly successful effort to reduce littering on its highways.
vdislodge追い払うMany social practices persist for this reason, which means a small shock, or nudge, can dislodge them.
vembolden勇気づける、大胆にさせるAs people became aware of what others actually thought, they were emboldened to say what they believed, and to act accordingly.
vinaugurate開始するIf people wrongly think that most people are committed to a long-standing social norm, a small nudge correcting that misperception can inaugurate large-scale change. 
ajvoluminous夥しいA voluminous body of research finds that informing people about the social norm can be effective.
ajsubstantialしっかりした、相当なThe impact of these letters was substantial.
ajnegligible取るに足らないThe costs are negligible.
ajabhorrent忌まわしいOthers felt equally strongly that same-sex marriage was abhorrent.
vbestow授けるSame-sex couples felt that they were being discriminated against, since only opposite-sex couples were eligible for marriage, a term that bestowed both legal and social status.
nprovision条項All such legal provisions would be defined by the status granted by governments.
vcontest争うIf the government got out of the marriage business, the whole area would become less contested.
nmoot論点We still like that idea, but twelve years of history has rendnred it largely moot.
nbacklash反動The court’s decision did not produce much of a backlash.
ajditzy馬鹿なWe have seen that people perform amazing feats, but they also commit ditzy blunder.
nblunder (n)間違いWe have seen that people perform amazing feats, but they also commit ditzy blunder.
nfrailty弱点Markets often give companies a strong incentives to cater to our frailties, rather than try to eradicate them.
nabsentminded上の空We have limited attention and can be absentminded.
ajfeasible実行可能It is feasible to send well-timed prompts.
ajubiquitous至る所にあるAlthough reminders have become ubiquitous, that does not mean that there are not new ways of helping people keep track of their appointments.
nritual慣習的行為Commercial pilots always go through a formal ritual before every take off.
※ go through いちいち行う
vpipe up甲高い声をあげるNurses might normally be reluctant to pipe up if a famous surgeon has skipped a step, but if it is considered part of their job, they do it.
nloafパンの塊We are more likely to need more help picking the right mortgage than choosing the right loaf of bread.
vexecute実行するThe first time people try to execute this motion, they are lucky if the ball goes over the net.
thus farこれまでにThe discussion thus far suggests that people may most need a good nudge for choices that require memory or have delayed effects.
ajbogus偽のA colorful and illustrative example is the sale of bogus medical treatment, a practice that can be found in various forms.
nailment(慢性の)病気Snake oil was said to cure many ailments.
nscam詐欺Many scams and swindles reemerge in slightly different forms over the years.
nswindle騙し取ることMany scams and swindles reemerge in slightly different forms over the years.
ncrutchSomeone in the crowd on crutches soon emerges and challenges the doctor, calling him a fraud.
nknackたくみな技It would help to have a knack for brazen lying, and no qualms about taking money from innocent bystanders.
nqualm気の咎めIt would help to have a knack for brazen lying, and no qualms about taking money from innocent bystanders.
nsheriff法行政官They got in trouble with the local sheriff.
vtrump負かすIt turns out that the latter instinct trumps the former.
ajunobtrusively押し付けがましくないようにThey tried to sneak out of the room as unobtrusively as possible.
ajpersuasive説得力のあるSubjects were Yale seniors who were given some persuasive education about the risk of tetanus and the importance to going to the health center to receive an inoculation.
ninoculation摂取Subjects were Yale seniors who were given some persuasive education about the risk of tetanus and the importance to going to the health center to receive an inoculation.
ntetanus破傷風Subjects were Yale seniors who were given some persuasive education about the risk of tetanus and the importance to going to the health center to receive an inoculation.
vinclineその気にさせるIf you are so inclined, hum it to the tune of the old Eagles song: Take It Easy.
vreiterate何度も繰り返すWe should reiterate that defaults are not always sticky.
ajancillary補助的なIf you are buying some product online, you might be prompted to buy some ancillary service, too.
prompt A to do駆り立ててさせるIf you are buying some product online, you might be prompted to buy some ancillary service, too.
ajarcane難解な、奥義のMost users do not want to have to read an incomprehensible manual to determine which arcane setting to select.
vwave手を振って合図するLocals now just use an electronic card that they wave at a sensor.
in stark contrast全く対照的にIn stark contrast is the system still used ln most Chicago parking garages.
nincontinent失禁He may have difficulty forecasting what life would be like if he were incontinent. 
ncurator館長He provides a function similar to that of a curator at a museum.
vwinnow分けるThey often winnow the choice set down to a manageable size.
vcounteract反作用で中和するPeople work to counteract their own self-control problems, often by redesigning the architecture ー for example, making certain options harder or less fun.
ajfabulous素敵なAlternatives that do not meet the minimum cutoff levels may be eliminated even if they are fabulous on all other dimensions.
npredilection好み、偏愛You like books that fit your predilections.
ndepreciation減価償却People underweight the opportunity costs of car ownership and possibly other less salient aspects, such as depreciation.
vhawk呼び売りするThere is an old tradition of late-night commercials that hawk some kind of gadget.
vflounderまごつくIf they do not, people will flounder.
complement補足してか完全にするものA good complement to this advice is to make the desired activity fun.
vdread恐れるTom dreads the tedious task at hand.
ajtediousつまらない Tom dreads the tedious task at hand.
vpiqueそそるWhenever we can pique our curiosity, we will find that people are willing to undertake that activity.
ajviable実行可能なWe very much doubt that it is an economically viable strategy.
ajfecal糞便のIt haves the fecal pollution ln its street.
adsolemnly粛粛とShe solemnly informed the people that the Easter Bunny would be exempt from the restriction.
vflummoxめんくらわせるWe would be flummoxed.
nmortgage担保What kind of mortgage to get?
nrodent齧歯類If you want to sell your house, there is a long list of things you cannot keep secret. Any lead pipes? A leaky roof? A large family of very friendly rodents living in the attic?
nattic屋根裏If you want to sell your house, there is a long list of things you cannot keep secret. Any lead pipes? A leaky roof? A large family of very friendly rodents living in the attic?
ajpertinent適切なAll these things have to be disclosed, to use the fancy legal word for informing others of pertinent information.
nacronym頭語It was an acronym whose unabbreviated meaning even we cannot remember.
vabbreviate略して書くIt was an acronym whose unabbreviated meaning even we cannot remember.
nhunch予感We have a strong hunch that there is no one in the world who has read all those words.
nobfuscation人を困惑させるものIn what meaningful sense dose such a document deserve to be called disclosure? Obfuscation would seem to be more appropriate.
vbinge節度なく楽しむDid you binge your way through three seasons during one long rainy weekend?
ajpreemptive先制のThe public utilities have notorious, first for causing wildfires, later for preemptive power outages to prevent a recurrence of the same threat.
noutage停電The public utilities have notorious, first for causing wildfires, later for preemptive power outages to prevent a recurrence of the same threat.
ncorollary自然に導き出せる結論This principle has an obvious corollary.
ajbafflingくじくIf you want to discourage poor people from getting economic benefits, require them to navigate a baffling website and to answer a large number of questions.
vsegregate隔離するSmokers were segregated into smoking sections.
vdelve探求するWe delve briefly dark side.
bog down身動きを取れなくするWe will use it here in part because it is fun, without getting too much bogged down on definition.
ncontraceptive避妊具Making it hard to get contraceptives is another example of sludge.
vproofread校正するThe software our publishers provided when we were proofreading the galleys of this book was so sludge-ridden that he gave up and typed up a list of changes.
ajstiffやけに高い(口語)The price was a bit stiff.
I have a stiff shoulder.
ajpernicious有害なThere is nothing pernicious about price discrimination as such.
vreimburse払い戻すA good example is how business travel is monitored and reimbursed.
ajfurious怒り狂ったHe was furious and he eventually quit his job.
vvow誓っていうWhen he started his company, he vowed that it would be run differently.
ajonerous厄介なThey did not have to complete the onerous financial aid forms.
vimplement履行するIt is a fact of life that rules have to be both implemented and enforced, and those activity can be costly.
ntoll料金The revenues from the tolls exceed the cost of the bridge.
ajwhopping大きなThe government has imposed a whopping eleven billion hours in annual paperwork burdens on us.
ndividend配当A sludge-reduction effort would pay big dividends.
nvicinity周辺The annual budget of the TSA is in the vicinity of 8 billion dollars.
suffice it to say that…といえば十分だろう Suffice it to say we have a lot of questions.
ajincremental ますます増大するAll this means that progress on reducing sludge in government will likely be incremental.
adsuccinctly簡潔にHe replies quite succinctly.
vvest与えるThere is a minimum employment period before any benefits are vested.
nhindsight後知恵The solution to solving the enrollment problem is obvious, at least in hindsight.
nchastity純潔God, give me chastity…But not yet.
ajuncanny奇怪な、超人的なThroughout the history, investors have shown an uncanny ability to mistime their investment decisions.
nebb引潮There is growing evidence that most people would be better off not paying attention to the ebbs and flows of the stock market.
nflow上潮There is growing evidence that most people would be better off not paying attention to the ebbs and flows of the stock market.
vtrail下回るHis return trailed others by more than three percent per year.
ajmeticulous細心の注意The Danes keep meticulous records on household wealth as well as income.
pernicious致命的なSince turnover is high in low-paying jobs, this is a pernicious problems, but one that we can solve.
forfeit 罰として失うParticipants must make an active choice or they forfeit their contributions.
quibble withつまらない議論をする
Overall, though many would quibble with some of the choices made, most experts would consider this fund to be a reasonable and inexpensive option.
folly愚かさIn the first dream, one being dreamt by a free-market economist with a peaceful smile on his face, advertisers are helping to educate consumers by explaining the benefits of lower costs, diversification, and long-run investing, as well as folly of extrapolating recent returns into the future.
extrapolate既知のことから推測するIn the first dream, one being dreamt by a free-market economist with a peaceful smile on his face, advertisers are helping to educate consumers by explaining the benefits of lower costs, diversification, and long-run investing, as well as folly of extrapolating recent returns into the future.
transitory 束の間のIt has only a transitory effect.
cohortThe initial cohort included all 4.4 million people who were ln the workforce at the time.
at the discretion of …の自由裁量でIt decided to permit the default fund to employ financial leverage at the discretion of the fund’s management.
flaunt 見せびらかすIt is not a good idea to flaunt your wealth.
oblivious気づかないでThose in the default fund were also oblivious to a massive change.
installment分割払い方式のAutomobile sales continue to be financed in much the same way as the old installment plans, since the lenders retain a lien on the car until the loan is paid off, but the advent of credit cards gave consumers a new way to satisfy their urges for immediate gratification.
lien先取権Automobile sales continue to be financed in much the same way as the old installment plans, since the lenders retain a lien on the car until the loan is paid off, but the advent of credit cards gave consumers a new way to satisfy their urges for immediate gratification.
gratification満足Automobile sales continue to be financed in much the same way as the old installment plans, since the lenders retain a lien on the car until the loan is paid off, but the advent of credit cards gave consumers a new way to satisfy their urges for immediate gratification.
scrupulous良心的なIn fact, providers might have a lot of freedom to exploit people’s limited attention, and those who play it straight may lose out to less-scrupulous competitions.
opacity不透明度The opacity of a market that creates d demand for expertise makes it difficult to evaluate the value of advice they offer.
wary用心深いThe buyers should be wary.
audit監査するBut we think that choice engines have a significant advantage over human advisers: they are much easier to audit.
in lieu of〜の代わりにCredit cards provide a mode of payment in lieu of cash.
blessedly幸いにもCredit cards are blessedly convenient.
liberate解放するDigging into your pocket to find the correct change and managing the large jar of pennies at home are vexations from which you are liberated.
vexation苛立たせるものDigging into your pocket to find the correct change and managing the large jar of pennies at home are vexations from which you are liberated.
delinquency滞納Around 9 percent of general-purpose cardholders had at least one severe delinquency in the preceding 12 months.
inhibit抑制するCredit cards inhibit self-control in other ways.
solicitation勧誘When the spending limit on one card is reached, a new account can be opened using one of the solicitations that arrive announcing that you have been preapproved.
slyly狡猾な方法でOne way credit card companies have slyly raised prices ls by reducing the number of days you have between the time you get your bill and the day your payment is due.
dentへこませるWe dent our car backing into a parking spot at night.
fret悩むIf you don’t understand what all those term mean, don’t fret.
dismay狼狽To our dismay, in the years since, several countries have considered or made the switch to presumed consent.
※to my dismay 驚いたことに
the next of kin近親者Families are relevant because transplant teams normally have conversations with the next of kin before organs are removed.
kidney腎臓The first successful organ transplant took place in 1954 when a man offered his twin brothers a kidney.
deceased故、死去したThe first transplant of a kidney from a deceased donor occurred eight years later.
autopsy検死But in some states, medical examiners performing autopsies have previously been permitted to remove corneas without receiving anyone’s permission.
cornea角膜But in some states, medical examiners performing autopsies have previously been permitted to remove corneas without receiving anyone’s permission.
loomぼんやりと現れる、不気味に迫るMultivariate analysis can try to untangle this mess, but this is why the small sample problems looms large.
footnote脚注Footnote for statistics geeks
de facto事実上のThus, de facto, Spain is an opt-in country.
spare免れるViolent storms and gigantic fires do not spare anyone.
perfect storm最悪の事態Sadly, we have what amounts to a perfect storm, a confluence of factors that make collective action difficult.
amount to 〜に相当するSadly, we have what amounts to a perfect storm, a confluence of factors that make collective action difficult.
confluence合流Sadly, we have what amounts to a perfect storm, a confluence of factors that make collective action difficult.
villain悪党No specific villain
perpetrator加害者For some threats, there is an identifiable perpetrator – a wrongdoer whose terrible deeds capture public attention.
wrongdoer悪事を働く人For some threats, there is an identifiable perpetrator – a wrongdoer whose terrible deeds capture public attention.
deed行為、証書For some threats, there is an identifiable perpetrator – a wrongdoer whose terrible deeds capture public attention./True, spouses sometimes really don’t like each other, but is it so terrible to have to wait a short while before the deed is done.
insuperable打ち勝てないWe are not saying that these problems are insuperable.
plague悩ますSimilar problems plague the fishing industry. 
reap収穫するWhen they scale back pollution, they might not reap many benefits.
akin同様にYou can think of nations as akin to those farmers deciding how many cattle to add to the pasture.
lofty高尚なConversations at the highest level start with lofty, idealistic language about the need for cooperation and how we are all in together, producing a universal plea.
plea嘆願Conversations at the highest level start with lofty, idealistic language about the need for cooperation and how we are all in together, producing a universal plea.
contentious好戦的なIn fact, although economists are often a contentious group, this is one topic on which there is nearly unanimous agreement.
unanimous満場一致In fact, although economists are often a contentious group, this is one topic on which there is nearly unanimous agreement.
belch噴出するShould a factory that has been belching black smoke for years be allocated a large number of permits that it can sell by cleaning up its act?
palatable快いPolitical leaders have called for subsidies, which might have the same effects as taxes, but which might be far more palatable to the public, because they offer gains and do not impose losses.
insulation断熱材They will underinvest in such things as insulation.
bog down身動きが取れなくなるOne way to achieve that is to avoid getting bogged down in semantic arguments.
semantic意味論的なOne way to achieve that is to avoid getting bogged down in semantic arguments.
malicious悪意があるAll choice architects are fallible, and some are even malicious.
jar調和しないWe admit that libertarian paternalism was a phrase that was intended to be jarring.
tweakつねるThey think that nudges are mere tweaks.
be wary of気をつけるWe do not meat it is foolish to be wary of literal slippery slopes.
suffrage選挙権An opponent of women’s suffrage once predicted that giving women the right to vote would create a race of masculine women and effeminate men and the mating of these would result in the procreation of a race of degenerates.
ratify批准するWe ratified a constitutional amendment in order to ban the sale of alcohol.
arrow in one’s quiverとっておきの戦略Some freedom-loving critics have another arrow in their quiver.
wish away願って取り除くWe should not wish them away.
scantily clad肌が露わなBeer commercials do not include a warning that the presence of scantily clad models is designed to attract to attention of viewers and make them more likely to buy the beer.
insidious狡猾なA general objection might be that they are insidious.
cunningずるいCompare subliminal advertising to something just as cunning.
palpably明らかにThey think that if governments nudge, they won’t do anything more, even if nudges are palpably inadequate.
versatile多目的に使用できるThese knives are designed to be versatile.
intoxicate酔わせるA nation might impose severe alcohol taxes, nudge people not to drink and drive, and top it off by giving offenders stiff fines if they get caught driving while intoxicated.
top off仕上げするA nation might impose severe alcohol taxes, nudge people not to drink and drive, and top it off by giving offenders stiff fines if they get caught driving while intoxicated.
intervening間のThe intervening years have been tumultuous.
tumultuous騒々しいThe intervening years have been tumultuous.
morph変態するAn idea that once seemed radical has morphed over time from chic to trending to commonplace to possibly passé.
chic上品さAn idea that once seemed radical has morphed over time from chic to trending to commonplace to possibly passé.
passé古めかしいAn idea that once seemed radical has morphed over time from chic to trending to commonplace to possibly passé.
omniscient全知全能のWe are decidedly not saying that policy designers can or should be omniscient.
sprint全力疾走The final edition of this book was a bit of a sprint.
amass蓄積するPeople have amassed staggering amounts of credit card debt.
staggerよろめくPeople have amassed staggering amounts of credit card debt.
